Cuddly Parent Hacks - Series 2

Hi there Cuddly parents,

We hope you had a great parenting week and that used a trick or two from last week's post. If you found our tips helpful do let us know what worked for you and continue reading for more such content; if not then you might just find something useful today!

Read on parents. We are here for you. 


HACK #6 - Emergency baby car kit

Keep the following items in your kit because you never know when a blow out or massive spit up attack will happen: diaper changing pad clutch. change of clothes for yourself, baby wipes, antibacterial wipes, baby blanket, change of clothes for baby, (one piece outfit, socks, hat), disposible nursing pads, pacifier. 

HACK #7 - Self-closing pacifier

You can also make sure your baby always has a clean pacifier by buying one that self-closes. If the pacifier falls out of your baby’s mouth, the blue guard will snap closed before it hits the ground.


HACK #8 - Save water with BabyDam

Conserve water, save time and spend money wisely by getting a BabyDam for your baby’s bath time. It will pay for itself over and over again whilst doing its job.


HACK #9 - Double up sheets to save time

Double up the crib sheet and liners – When making the crib, put down the mattress liner, then the sheet and repeat a second time so when the baby leaks through in the middle of the night you just have to strip the top two layers and not have to try and make a new bed.


HACK #10 - Wean off a pacifier

Need to wean your baby off a pacifier? Cut away a small piece of the nipple each time your child uses it. Eventually the baby won’t like the feeling and soon there won’t be anything left to suck and she’ll throw it away herself. (Be sure to keep it extra clean during the process).


We hope you found these useful. Come back here next week, to check out some more hacks! 

Until then, 
Happy Parenting!


Team Cuddly Cubs